Hi Guys, For the past few years, I've been writing articles about every other month for Green Magazine. For anyone wanted to ready up on the race sleds and race team history here is what has been printed so far: Jan 2022: 295/s "High Performance Snowmobiling" Feb 2022: Racing the 295/s Dec...
Hi Guys, Thinking about how this fall is the 50th anniversary of the introduction of the Liquidator and it's many tag lines such as "Introducing more racing snowmobile than we have ever introduced before..." There has been quite a bit a chatter about "How many Liquidators can we get t...
Though an all day ride with 50 year old crank seals and track is not in the cards. The old girl ran very well at the Stephen, MN vintage ride a couple years ago with carb cleaning and new fuel lines. So how many Liquidators are out there and willing to make the journey to the home state??? Hello Ke...
They are opening up the trails in St. G tomorrow (Jan 17th) but calling them "early season conditions"... hoping they get more snow before mid-Feb. We have a room for a full week at the Whitetail...if there is snow. Guess I have about have a dozen sleds to service, rebuild repair, etc befo...
Stebner is still alive? Crazy. Lindner, what kind of second rate hit man did you hire anyway to "handle" the "Stebner Situation"... Seriously, Lindner should be arrested for impersonating a JD enthusiast, but he keeps sending me parts when I need help, and he helps guide the Vint...
Hello JDsledder's, For the past two years I have writing snowmobile articles for the John Deere focused Green Magazine (www.greenmagazine.com) approximately every other month. My first article appeared In the January and February 2022 issue as a two parter on the 1974 JD295/s and have been in almost...
The 80-81 Liquifire came with the very steep 22/35 gear ratio or 1.65 with a 66 pitch chain. Deere sent out a memo recommending a 21/39 ratio with a 68 pitch chain for better all around performance at the expense of a few MPH on top end. There is nothing rare about those gears. However, if you're re...
The PTO Seal on the Kawi Liquifire goes to the oil filled gear case, there is another seal behind that for the engine crankcase. Because both of those seals are bathed in oil, they don't fail first, the "dry" MAG side seal does behind the flywheel. If you have never done seals is this moto...
Progress looks good Lindner, but a few observations. 1) You are going to hell in a handbasket for turning your back on your beloved mid-mounts 2) It looks to be easier to re-cleat a track in your shop, on a work bench than it does at 1 AM at the Whitetail Lodge 3) Those crank seals looked MINT, LOL!...
After Pressing in the bearings, Richard wanted to keep helping so we worked together on digging out the parts and assembling the rest of the fan assembly. We compared part numbers (handy now that he can read) from the book to NOS parts. The re-plated hardware and upper pully looked really good in go...
This spring I decided it was high time to put a push on and finish up outstanding projects before starting anything else. So the Buick GN, the 73 JDX and 84 Liquifire are getting some much needed attention. I cleaned off the shop table and moved all the motor pieces off the parts rack. Took a while ...