LF loading up??

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LF loading up??

Post by sledz »


I have an '80 Liquifire that stumbles badly from 0 to3/8 throttle, but once I get to half throttle and beyond ... look out!! It always starts great (imagine that) and idles nicely at 3k. But in the garage the 2 stoke smoke burns the eyes and you have to leave for a moment, so does that mean I'm too rich.

Mains are at 150
Pilots are at 40
Jet Needle 6DH8
The air screw is out 1 1/2 turns
E-clip is at the top on the needle

Another thing that sems kinda odd to me is that when messing around with the Jet needle e-clip I notice the carb slides seem to have an absorbanent amount of fuel in them. I know its the carb and there is supposed to be fuel there, but in the slide? I can almost say it's puddleing in the hollowed out portion :bonk:

What are my options here, can I safely turn the air screw in (I think) or is it out? to lean it out. I may need to go a full turn??
Is it common to drop Pilots down to 35 and not live contantly on the edge?
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Re: LF loading up??

Post by harleysportster »

Seems like you have the wrong jet needle in it and the E clip should be in the 3 slot from the top.
Sea Level to................4000 to 8000 ft............8000 ft. and up
Carburetor............4000 ft. (1 219 m)......1 219 to 2 438 m).......... (2438 m)
Main Jet...............150........................130.......................100
Power Jet
PTO Carb..................110........................90.........................85
Mag. Carb..................105........................85........................80
Jet Needle...............6DH22-3.................6DH22-3..................6DH22-3
Needle Jet................159 (P4)..................159 (P4)................159 (P4)
Throttle Valve..............3.5........................3.5......................3.5
Pilot Jet.....................40........................40.........................40
Air Screw (Turns Open)...1-1/2....................1-1/2.....................1-1/2
'76 440 cyclone
'76 440 liquifire
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Re: LF loading up??

Post by sledz »

Thanx for responding and providing the information Harley. I am aware the jet needles are not exactly what is reccommended but my problem is more, how should I say, egregious (sp) than the subtle needle profile. I will probably get the correct ones at some point but I'm trying to slay the biggest dragon first :angel:

I purposely have the e-clip at the top as a way to restrict some fuel flow (runs the best so far this way), I will move it back down if I go to a smaller pilot and/or main. Am I right in thinking the pilots meter the fuel from idle thru 1/4 throttle, then the mains primarily take over? I have been reading previous posts and a few have mentioned thay have went down on the pilots, but not many. Could my needle/seats be suspect given it starts and idles great? Again I just seem to have problems up to maybe 3/8 throttle :wall:
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Re: LF loading up??

Post by harleysportster »

Start with the simple things first.
-Check the choke plungers for the proper setup
-check the float levels
-check the needle / seats
'76 440 cyclone
'76 440 liquifire
'78 440 Cyclone
'75 JDX8 (sold to a member here)
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Re: LF loading up??

Post by nick80lf »

Jet setter o-ring?

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Re: LF loading up??

Post by sledz »

harleysportster wrote:Start with the simple things first.
-Check the choke plungers for the proper setup
-check the float levels
-check the needle / seats
I too thought choke plungers but they are set correctly.

When I had the carbs apart I did check needle/seat and found no obvious grooves or damage, but did not replace :doh: same with the floats, nothing seemed amiss. Also replaced the jet setter replace o-ring (assuming that is the one that seats itself into the lower bowl half).

I think I have the simple stuff covered, but I'm definately listening.
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Re: LF loading up??

Post by JDT »

Where are you located in MN?
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Re: LF loading up??

Post by sledz »

Saint Michael, which is Northwest of Minneapolis about 30 miles. Side note...I have been to the Milbank show many times and probably even talked to you and didn't know it :) :)

I am really motivated to get this sled dialed in as I missed all of last year messing with this thing, Granted I am ALOT closer to rideability now than at any point last year.
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Re: LF loading up??

Post by Danzig »

did you test the needle and seat for leaks ?
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Re: LF loading up??

Post by sledz »

Hi Danzig,

I have not done this, is this done with a pop-off tool?

I do not have one of these and am wondering what other options there are, I suppose just buying a set of needles/seats would be one :eh:
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Re: LF loading up??

Post by Danzig »

very easy and very cheap.

get you a piece of fuel line clean and attach to the carb fuel nipple, flip carb upside down, put fuel line in your mouth and blow in it like you are trying to blow up a balloon. If you cannot force air into the carb you have a good seal, if you can force air into the carb you have a bad seal on the needle and seat. Flip the carb upright and you should be able to easily blow into carb, the air you are blowing into the carb is acting like gasoline in the bowl.

a remedy for a leaking needle and seat is to go to a sports store or someone you know of and get a wooden golf tee, stick the T into the seat where the needle sits and twist it gently in circles. After several turns, try the needle and seat leak test again with the hose and blow.
1973 JDX8
1978 Liquifire 340
1980 Liquifire 440 CC Racer
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Re: LF loading up??

Post by sledz »

Thanx Danzig,

That sounds pretty simple and as soon as it gets above 0 degrees around here I am going to give that a try.
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Re: LF loading up??

Post by horntwister »

try replacing the 30 year old choke plungers the rubber hardens up on them dennis kirk has them in a kit cheep
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