Recreated Liquidator Radiator Hose M66861

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Recreated Liquidator Radiator Hose M66861

Post by WinnipegStPaul9 »

Liquidator Radiator Hose Update: Copy and Paste this somewhere that you can print it out and keep it until you need it. A few days ago, knowing full well I couldn't find one, I asked for the Dator radiator hose M66861. Thanks to many of you for trying to help I was able to make one although it does not look like the original (I think mine looks better lol). So here's what you need to recreate the M66861, A hose # 7432 from NAPA, a new or good used M67678 from a 1978 Liquifire, 2- 3/4" male/male pipe connectors and 6 NAPA 505-1220 clamps. You take the 7432 and cut it in half making 2-90 degree bends. Place one on both ends over the nipples. Use the M67678 as the connector of the two. Now I have to tell you that you will be cutting and trimming a few times but I just did little cuts until I got the fit I desired. Hope I've made life a little easier for those of you trying to make this hose and keep in mind that I'm 71 so by tomorrow I won't remember this!!! As to the other hose that goes from the radiator to the engine I used 1" i.d. reinforced hose from McMaster-Carr / 3' of 5285K134. I cut it so that I could install the bypass hose connector which was made from a 3/4 male/male nipple drilled and tapped to accommodate a 1/4 pipe thread nipple. Again I used the NAPA 505-1220 clamps. Hope this is informative, I will post in several places. Don
2017-05-17 13.40.15.jpg
2017-05-17 12.50.45.jpg
2017-05-17 12.50.30.jpg
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Re: Recreated Liquidator Radiator Hose M66861

Post by jep_800 »

Looks fantastic Don!!
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Re: Recreated Liquidator Radiator Hose M66861

Post by ICCSF 108 »

Don, I can see where you might have a problem bleeding all the air out of the system with that hose being so high above the radiator cap?? or is it just the photo that makes it look that way?

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