Why no grass dragging of our Deeres?

General topics related to John Deere Snowmobiles
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jan 24, 2018 9:37 pm
Real Name: Terry Hardesty
Location: Wisconsin

Re: Why no grass dragging of our Deeres?

Post by TerryHardesty »

Hello all,
Just joined and saw with old thread. I'm Lee Hardesty's youngest son.

Joe is pretty much spot on on the details of Dad's X8. My brother Keith piloted that sled most, if not all, times. If they ever lost a grass drag (mostly in Iowa) I certainly don't remember.

The twist throttle was something you'd find on all of our race sleds. We all grew up riding/racing cycles and that just felt more natural. At least that's how I remember it.

I remember that expansion chamber fondly. The pattern was a series of graduated discs precisely placed along a twisted wire. Such an organic form with mechanical purpose.

Lastly, I remember doing radar runs on a marsh outside of Tripoli, Iowa in the winter of 73/74. It was just me, my Dad, and Rob Feldman. In what would be the last runs of the day Dad let me drive. I was 8 1/2 at the time and was very small/light. Rob was manning the radar gun as Dad watched me make my passes. They seemed very pleased with my runs but never spoke of numbers. Shortly after I passed Rob on my last run a cross wind messed me up and my fledgling skills could not compensate. I tumbled for hundreds of yards on the ice before the sled and I came to a stop. The sled landed between me and my dad (and Rob). Dad sprinted to the crash site to find me not only safe but actually more worried about our sled.

The last time I rode our X8 was in '85 (this was probably the last any of our family ride it). I took it out on the Rock River for a few high speed runs for old time's sake. It was still as unrefined and untamed as ever but boy was it quick.

Thanks for letting me share.

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Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:00 am
Real Name: Mark T
Location: Holland IA

Re: Why no grass dragging of our Deeres?

Post by tieszo6 »

Thanks for the great information Terry! I work at the Product Engineering Center in Waterloo and I have heard a few stories about the engine testing and development that went on there. Would you have any old pictures or memorabilia pertaining to that? There are a number of JD anniversaries coming up in the Cedar Valley and I would love to share with current employees the role that Waterloo, and your father, had in snowmobiles.

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jan 24, 2018 9:37 pm
Real Name: Terry Hardesty
Location: Wisconsin

Re: Why no grass dragging of our Deeres?

Post by TerryHardesty »

Mark, I have many of my dad's notebooks and photo albums. I'll see what I can find from the W'loo days. Story is that the PEC guys didn't appreciate the sound of the two-strokes... :D

Posts: 214
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:00 am
Real Name: Mark T
Location: Holland IA

Re: Why no grass dragging of our Deeres?

Post by tieszo6 »

I will be passing through WI in a couple weeks, maybe we could meet up? I had started discussions on how to get sleds into the Tractor and Engine Museum in Waterloo and I think your dad's documents could help tell a comprehensive story of snowmobile engine development in Waterloo.

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