Starter interchange?

Technical topics related to machines powered by Kioritz/CCW & Kohler motors.
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Starter interchange?

Post by bradthemechanic »

Hi everyone, just traded a 70s lawn tractor for a '74 JDX6. It has all the wiring to run electric start, it's just missing the battery and starter motor.

My question is this: does the AM52454 starter interchange to the AM52455 starter? I can't seem to find any listings for the AM52454 starter that is specified, but lots for the AM52455. The AM52455 says it's for the Kohler engine, doesn't say if it will fit the CCW/KEC engine that I can see.

Additionally, the parts diagram shows a "spacer" between the starter and the housing, does anyone know how thick it is? Is it just a gasket?

It starts pretty good 4-5 pulls when stone cold, but I'd like for my girls to be able to just go up to it and turn the key and go.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Starter interchange?

Post by AirborneX4Special »

That doesn't sound like a long reach given the close proximity of part numbers. Someone will be able to verify if it will work.
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Re: Starter interchange?

Post by Matt »

I don't know for sure - but looking at JDparts, they must be different.
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Re: Starter interchange?

Post by Yoco_JD400 »

I'm new to this forum, but have been tracking and working on a 1973 JD400. I've been working on adding electric start as well, and bought an AM52455 equivalent from Amazon, mounts up nicely, but spins Clockwise, and this motor needs CCW. I'm researching all of the interwebs trying to find an alternative starter motor. Hoping this help you on your quest, it won't work, but trying to keep the thread going. There has to be some equivalency out there in parts.
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