
General topics related to John Deere Snowmobiles
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Post by JoeRainville »

Well folks, we are all in this together. Seems that we got here due to stupid people being enabled by stupid banks to do stupid things they can't afford. Interest only mortgages, leased luxury cars, ect.

Automotive industry is hurting, with sales down 35-55% no matter who you are. Even most of Japenese are going to loose money this year. For our part, GM annouced 3,400 white collar cutbacks by May 1st here in the states. Yup, that is me folks. I hope for the best, but prepared for the worst.

General rule of thumb that would have prevented a lot of this finanical mess: Live within your means. Yea, that means California too!

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Post by jdsledhead »

Back in December when I still had a job as a mechanic at a Ford dealer I was turning 20-25 flat rate hrs per week, based on an already shortened 35hr week... one thing leads to another and 2 days before Christmas the dealer closed. Here's your Christmas bonus guys! Welcome to NYS unemployment! Still looking for a job today while I finish my last semester of college. Doesn't seem like the 4 year degree helps get you a job when there are no jobs to get!
Tim Kudla

73 JDX4
80 Spitfire
82 Trailfire 340
84 Trailfire 440
10 SnoPro 500
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Post by Liquifire 4/6 »

One has to wonder how much of a role the media has played in this. Certainly, the situation has much to do with the aforementioned stupid people living beyond their means due to the stupidity of banks and credit card companies..............but I really think the media has worsened what was already a bad situation. The constant reminders of the economic downturn which you see every time you turn on the TV or open a newspaper tend to make people really cut back on their spending. I know it sure scares me and I've become rather hermit-like in the last couple months. And when money quits changing hands, it can only lead to greater problems. Recently, the Canadian government has introduced a new program in which people can put a maximum of $5000.00/year into a savings account and are not required to pay taxes on interest earned. The rate is only a little over 2% so I don't see it as a big deal, even if I had five grand kicking around to put into savings. But evidently, the program is going over big time. In these times, I think that's a bad thing because it's a lot of money that otherwise might have been spent on goods and services, which in turn, probably will result in many job losses.
Peter from Roblin, Manitoba
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Post by Spitfire79 »

In the trucking industry we are seeing a dramatic slowdown, has been for quite sometime. Customers are not ordering the quantities they did before and nobody is stocking anything as they have no idea how orders will pan out. Unfortunately we had our first layoffs in company history this week.

Lockport, MB.
1979 Spitfires ( 2 ), 1980 Liquifires ( 2 ), 1999 A/C ZR 440 SnoPro, 1996 A/C ZRT600, 1929 Graham Paige 612
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Post by sparcat »

My situation is bad as well. I was working for Polaris, thriugh a temp agency, and we had a good season of work from July, to December. I keep calling to check in when I will be coming back, but was told last week, that they don't think they will be calling anyone back!!

I have been looking elsewhere as well, but nothing out there!! Makes this 50 plus yr old guy real scared!!
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Post by ruppster »

Not good for me either--Wife's job was restructured disappeared but she was lucky to get another within the same company --BUT WITH A PAY REDUCTION. My hours have gone from 50+ a week--down to still hanging on at 40. But between the 2 income downward adjustments it has been real tough--2 kids in college and loans to pay on. At least we still have the jobs so --- hoping for everyone's sake that it starts to turn around this spring. I know that I am going to change my habits a bit and make sure I have something put away incase this happens again---also going to try and live by the motto--If I can't pay CASH--maybe I don't need it!!!
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Post by Danzig »

1973 JDX8
1978 Liquifire 340
1980 Liquifire 440 CC Racer
1980 Liquifire 440
1982 Liquifire 440

"Gotta Lick It Before You Stick It"
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Post by jdsledwheelman »

This economy is like a giant toilet and some one just pulled down the handle. :doh:

nick :wall:
72 500
73 600
74 295/s, JDX6
75 340/s, 400, JDX8
76 440 liquifire
77 440 cyclone spitfire
78 spitfire x2
79 spitfire
80 spitfire x3, liquifire x2, sportfire
81 spitfire
82 sprintfire, spitfire, 340 trailfire x2
83 snowfire
84 sprintfire, snowfire, trailfire lx
cowboy mark
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Post by cowboy mark »

i'm so poor i need a co-signer to pay cash.....lol jk
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1 1976 JD Cyclone
1 1976? JD Liquifire,
1 1977 JD Liquifire (parts)
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Post by b00stinGTP »

Today at work everyone was called up to the office one by one. 8 people laid off, 5 full timers now part timers... I am glad to have just kept my part time spot!
Sleds I own
1974 John Deere JDX8. (SOLD)
1975 John Deere JDX4. (SOLD)
1977 John Deere Liquifire 440. (SOLD)
1978 John Deere Cyclone 340. (SOLD)
1980 John Deere Liquifire. (SOLD)
1983 John Deere Liquifire.
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