Liquidtor History

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Liquidtor History

Post by billey100 »

Sorry guys I tried sending pm's to a few but I haven't gotten a response. Thought i would throw it out there again, anyone have any info on this SN# J34SE055061M Liquidator? I will try to get pics but it doesn't have any obvious stickers on it other than the standard dator stuff. Also do the numbers go in sequence, is 061 pretty low or did they not roll off the line in order. Thanks for the help.
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Re: Liquidtor History

Post by WinnipegStPaul9 »

There is a section on the front page titled "Models". Inside that section is a wealth of knowledge. Just a reminder to the newer members, don't forget there is a WHOLE lot more to than just the forum. Make sure to visit the home page. Here's what the section says about Dators.

Model Year 1976
TYPE CODE: J34SE BEGINNING #- 55,001 ENDING #-55,600 (may not be exact)
Manufacture Dates: October 1975
Number Produced: 600
Engine: Kioritz KEC-340RS/24LC
Specifications: 1976 Liquidator 340

Hope this helps.

Feel free to check out our website for restorations or parts.
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Re: Liquidtor History

Post by billey100 »

Thanks I did see that out there and I did try to do searches but I was looking for actual specific knowledge to this SN# to see maybe how my grandfather got a a hold of it or if it was raced. Or maybe someone else had it before him, a few guys have pm'ed me with leads and I appreciate it. I know how nubes can be on the forums, but we have a lot of stuff to go through and probably will be selling most of it so stick with me on this guys.
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Re: Liquidtor History

Post by Jack Frost »

but we have a lot of stuff to go through and probably will be selling most of it so stick with me on this guys.
Billey100 what is it you are going to be selling? :popcorn:

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Re: Liquidtor History

Post by billey100 »

We are on the fence about a lot of the stuff, honestly we havent even gotten through most of it to figure what he has. I should be heading out this weekend to get some pics and figure out whats there for sleds, most of what he has is older mower parts. He does have 2 nice liquifires that we will be selling in really good shape. One is an 82 and one is an 83 cant remember which but one has about 800 miles and one has about 4000.

Other than that I have to make a list of parts he has and start from there.
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