Trailfire Toy

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Trailfire Toy

Post by RSplash40 »

Pulled out my TF yesterday, first time since moving 2 years ago.. something happened to the track, it looks like it melted and stuck to the wheels but it wasn't anywhere near heat.... now its broke :wall:

Any one want to repop parts for that? :> I could use a windshield too, mines all yellowed. :)
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Re: Trailfire Toy

Post by ICCSF 108 »

Could it have got in contact with some kind of chemicals?

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Re: Trailfire Toy

Post by JDT »

Was it stored near a nuclear powerplant?

Must have been a chemical thing as Kenny mentioned.

Would like to see a picture thought....

There is a used track on ebay right now.
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Re: Trailfire Toy

Post by lwb140 »

my cyclone toy track pretty much just crumbled it just dry rotted and just fell apart to dust almost sitting in the closet wade
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Re: Trailfire Toy

Post by JoeRainville »


My Trailfire Toy has the track stapled together, as it just dry rotted sitting in the box. It just happens as the plasticizers slowly evaportate out of the rubber. I don't think anyone is making replacements yet, but I did see where a guy was reproducing the Normatt toy 400 windshields.

We need to talk to Greg "Toymech" about making new tracks, as he is pretty good with that kind of stuff.


PS: The pic's were of all the TF toys Greg, I and his buddie picked up at a toy show a few years ago.
Trailfire Toys Stacked
Trailfire Toys Stacked
Trail Toys 1-Dec-07.jpg (122.89 KiB) Viewed 602 times
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Re: Trailfire Toy

Post by DEERE »

Where can i buy those toys!!! ???? they look awsome,are there any more models??
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Re: Trailfire Toy

Post by S_Kyle »

If you look around they are on evil bay a couple times a winter.
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Re: Trailfire Toy

Post by RSplash40 »

dang it rainville, I had one in a box, then stupidly sold it... regretted it about 3 months later and bought another one not in a box, yellowed windshield...and now the track rotted off! :/
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Re: Trailfire Toy

Post by a572mike »

yep, mine too... It rotted just sitting on the shelf in the closet at my folks house...
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