Dator spotted
Dator spotted
Earlier i had posted that there was a dator in Manitoba that was supposed to go to the u.s., but i was at the guys place today and she is still sitting there. He says the guy never called back, so here it is. TNT Power Products, Anola, Manitoba, (204)853-7433, name is Terry. He is a hard guy to get a hold of, so leave a message and keep trying. I had a better look at it today and it is missing the airbox, but he says it ran when they picked it up and has good compression. both speedo and tach are not original, but the temp gage is. Seat is slightly ripped, but hood paint is very rough, but hood is intact with some cracks in the front near the hinge. Shoulda brought my camera along, but totally forgot. Hope this helps, guys.....Kevin.
Dator spotted
Whats the deal with all the missing airboxes in dators?
Dator spotted
I was wondering the same thing; why are so many dators missing the airbox?