Liquidator wrist pin bearings

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Liquidator wrist pin bearings

Post by Dator76 »

heres an idea for those hard to find piston bearings.
A "couple" years ago I assembled my first 2 stroke motor. I think I was about 12, any way we were racing gocarts and they were mcculloch engines. they did not have a "cage type" wrist pin bearing like what is used today. they were individual roller bearings, I put them in individually with petroleum jelly and then slid the wrist pin in very carefully so as not to knock one out. I cant remember if there was a washer on each side of the bearings or not. This could be easily researched as there is some of that stuff for sale on EBAY and they were 91 cc or 101 cc engines and yes there was a chainsaw that did use this type of engine. If anyone is interested look for 91A, 91B, 91B1, 91B2 or 101A, 101B, 101B1, 101B2 mcculloch stuff. We never had an issue with this type of bearing although they were a pita to assemble.
If you get into a Deere hardware catalog they list roller bearings by size. also I think a crank rebuilder might have acess to roller bearings.

3 Liquidators
1-78 Cross Country Liquifire
Gave away-sold-swapped:8 Liquidators, 78 C.C. Liquifire, 340/S, 295/S, 84 Snowfire, 82 Liquifire, 80 Liquifire, 78 440 liquifire, 77 Liquifire.
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