The Vintage Challenge of 2012 has come and gone, with 45 vintage sleds signed up this year. 7 brave machines failed to ride up to the challenge, but most of us made it, including all the Deere's this year.
My story starts with flying home to NY from Fort Worth on Friday night, Feb 10th to finish my I-500 sled and prep something for the VC. Due to flight issues, I got home at 3:30 am Saturday morning, but got up and hit the Great Eastern Whiteout in Fulton, NY for a few hours when I should have been wrenching. But by Sunday night, the 12th, we had life in the Liquifire I-500 sled. Then the race was cancelled...

So I figured I would take it to the Hall of Fame to get a few miles on her since there was NO snow in NY and my clutching was a guess at best. So we loaded up on Wednesday night, the 15th to start another crazy trek to the Northwoods of Wisconsin. I was actually able to load two of my sleds under their own power, a marked improvement from last year.