jdsleds.com -> Restorations -> Ron Chappelear

Ron Chappelear's Deere

Sent in by Ron Chappelear.

When I found the sleds they were behind a body shop, I asked the owner what he was going to do with them, he told me he wasn't going to do anything with them, and that he would like to get them out of there. So guess who volunteered to do the job. There were trees and vines growing up and around the sleds. The vines were so intwined around the sleds and up through the motors that it took a good half hour just to get them loose. A small tree had grown up between the bumper and hood. They were both a lime green in color and the seats had deteriorated to a little foam pad. I took the sleds to a car wash to clean them up. The metal gas tanks were rusted inside, so I gave them an acid dip for a new finish inside and out.

The '74 JD 600 as a CCW KEC-440/5 motor and only has 436 miles. I wanted to see if it would run so I cleaned out the crab and points and used WD-40 (the good WD-40) to get her to run, and she did, but not as good as I hoped. So I pulled the motor and stripped the sled all the way down to its frame. When I was done with the motor, and had it running on mixed fuel she wouldn't idle and I wasn't as lucky some people to find a crab kit for a Bendix. So I switched the Bendix for a VM 34 Mikuni, and now she runs like a deere. I had what little seat left recovered, some paint and a new windshield and a few other parts and put all together and got her looking the way I wanted. As for the seat being yellow, at that time all JD tractors had yellow seats, and I was loaking for something unique.

As for the '72 JD 400 with a CCW KEC-340, this one had 872 miles plus I gave this sled to my wife. I pulled the motor out of it and once again stripped the sled. But I found out the motor had a blown head gasket. After doing alot of searching I found a gasket. I also got a carb kit for the Walbro, windshield, and a few other parts. When I put the motor back together I had trouble with the Walbro, and found out it was sucking the foam air filter in the carb, once I fixed that she ran great. But I had one more problem, my wife didn't want to drive anything that looked like a tractor so she had me paint it deep metallic purple and hot pink (I guess you know who wears the pants in this family) but don't worry guys, underneath that purple and pink exterior still beats the heart of a Deere. Jane Deere????? A new breed? Once I got the motor in the sled I couldn't take it anymore, I pulled the sled out and started it up and ran around the back yard (man can she fly). I wish now that I would have taken the 400. Now it's all put together and ready for winter.

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