Another Dator unearthed.

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Re: Another Dator unearthed.

Post by JDT »

His taste in styling may well have added a premium to the current bidding levels.
Todd Schrupp

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Re: Another Dator unearthed.

Post by Horicon Joe »

They did do a nice job and it does seem the left pipe is cut. Appears they also turned the ball joint upside down. You can tell from the spring bracket. The right one is a little more difficult to tell?
It likely was not ............ Still original pipes that can be made to fit a Dator motor again some day! :canadasmile:

I could never figure out why when they do this, they never solved the problem by modifying the stub ball pipe to point down like the dator??? Seems to be the easier of the two?

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Re: Another Dator unearthed.

Post by I500 »

Looks like an easy fix if you wanted to swap it back to a Liquidator motor. Personally, I think its a great idea to keep it just how it is. The hard part was already done. If you like the accessibility of Liquifire parts and the sound of twin pipes. This is a good sled to run..........Just don't mess with the paint and shag carpet
Mike Strat
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Re: Another Dator unearthed.

Post by Mike Strat »

I just got an interesting phone call from a very close friend of mine on this site. He said someone is sending out private messages to members on this site telling them that I am running a scam. I think my ebay profile tells the story of any auctions that I have been involved with. As well, I would be more than happy to supply anybody concerned with me, this auction, or any shipping shenanigans to please give me a call. 1-306-535-5162. I cannot personally think of any unsatisfied customer on either side of the border.

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Re: Another Dator unearthed.

Post by JoeRainville »

Any of us that know you can vouch that you and your auction are legit. Maybe it looked funny when a bidder canceled his bid yesterday. Not like you have any control over that.

Good luck with the honest sale of your Liquidator.
-Joe Rainville
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Re: Another Dator unearthed.

Post by WinnipegStPaul9 »

Man, I am sorry to hear what you're saying and sorry to see a bidder pulled his/her bid. Both suck!

Feel free to check out our website for restorations or parts.
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Re: Another Dator unearthed.

Post by RLFollman »

It's disappointing to the 2nd highest bidder (now the highest bidder), because before the bid retraction, many people could see how high his maximum bid is, so it will be easier to snipe it at the end of the auction.
Mike Strat
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Re: Another Dator unearthed.

Post by Mike Strat »

Dator sold on eBay last night. Very uneventful. It's on its way to the U.S. where new owner says it's going to be restored. Thanks to the guys who helped.

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Re: Another Dator unearthed.

Post by sledhead16 »

Thanks for the interesting event! it was like watching last years superbowl, but better!
1975 340/s Speed Run Sled
1975 340/s I500 #161
1980 Liquifire SN# 4995 From WA Speed Run Sled
1980 Liquifire SN# 4996 From MN
1983 Sportfire
1984 Liquifire Deep Snow Tunnel 4/6 motor
1984 Sprintfire (2)

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