difference between cyclone frames? help

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Re: difference between cyclone frames? help

Post by JDT »

:think: :think: :think:
Todd Schrupp

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Re: difference between cyclone frames? help

Post by TASKY »

I know that he said Cyclone. The best way to confirm what it is or started out as is with the serial number.
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Re: difference between cyclone frames? help

Post by heiner921 »

cant recall if 340 or 440 but the motor is gone. its pretty much just a rolling chassis which is pretty damn straight didnt see one dent on it. seat is missing and so is the windshield. steering and rear suspension as well as track are all in tact.
Rebuilding aluminum idler wheels for you! new bearings, solid rivets, and polishing. PM for details

Seeking 76 Cyclone 440 parts
Low black windshield
Complete seat or just the cover
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Re: difference between cyclone frames? help

Post by JoeRainville »

heiner921 wrote:looking to pick up a 77 cyclone parts sled for free.99 has the parts i need to complete my 76 build. question i have is are the frames the same? the frame on my 76 didnt have the little rubber pad where the exhaust sits and wore the fram thin and it has a crack almost all the way down to the bottom so i want to swap the one from the 77 in to it if they are the same. these are the part numbers i got from my parts catalog.
my 76 is part number AM 53816 - 70000 FRAME, FRONT
the 77 is part number AM 54201 70001 FRAME, FRONT

what are the differences? will the swap?
Hello Matt,

To answer the original question, the 76 and 77/78 front frames are a bit different. Both the 76 Liquifire and Cyclone used a steel motor mount plate, M66236, with an aluminum cross bar, M66273, to connect the motor plate to the chassis. The 77-78 sleds used an aluminum base plate, M66791, that bolts right to the cross frame directly. You could probably swap them, but would need to use the matching motor plate system to go with the frame.

I hope this helps,
Honorary Tech Editor

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