To be perfectly honest, I wanted nothing to do with removing the chains, chaincase, or any part of the drivetrain until I was ready to replace the primary drivers for the track. With the reality setting in that this isn't a project I can consider out of sight, out of mind, I've pulled the sheaves and shaft... I did it without breaking open the chaincase, but towards the end of removal, I dropped the chain and gears into the bottom of the case. At least they are getting a good oil bath.
Matt, even though I didn't really know what you were meaning with some of your explanations, your help has been instrumental, so thank you. Now that it's apart, I actually understand it and it makes perfect sense. Frankly, it was so filthy (and I've never seen it assembled correctly) that I didn't even know how the flanges worked in relation to the bearings.
I'll post in the classified a new list of parts I need for this. Off the top of my head, I'll need a spacer, bearing, and gaskets before this can go back together.
I'm assuming the shaft isn't supposed to have ribs in it.