Liquifire Ignition question

Technical topics related to machines powered by Kasasaki motors
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Liquifire Ignition question

Post by JDXpowered »

I have a 1981 liquifire, that has the 1982-1984 ignition CDI box on it. The aluminum housing on the motor was not changed so it does not fit on correctly. Would whoever converted this to the newer box had to also change the pulsator or lighting coil?

I only ask if it goes bad, I cannot seem to find any spares. If anyone has some for sale I am interested. Or is there a place that rebuilds them? I know Image used to but the do not any more.

I read somewhere that someone used a 440 Polaris Indy CDI/ignition box as a stock replacement. Does anyone have any instructions on how to do this if needed?

Thanks for your help!
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Re: Liquifire Ignition question

Post by AirborneX4Special »

The internal coils are different for the HSR ignition system versus the 80/81, so yes they were changed. If it crashes there was some effort here to replace it with a different system but I'm not sure it was ever fully researched. That said it seems the preliminary pieces envisioned were Polaris.
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