Snow Flap Cable Run Down

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Snow Flap Cable Run Down

Post by JoeRainville »

The orginal application of snowflap hold back cables has come up in discussion and some clarification was needed. These cables run from the ends of each side of the tunnel to the bottom of the snowflap on Deere's Cross Country Racers, the 295/s, 340/s and Liquidator. Still digging for info on the 78 Cross Country Liquifire 340.

Deere first used the cables the 1974 Model 295/s, P/N AM53257. These were orginally black plastic coated cables with silver coated clips.

The 1975 340/s is shown to have come factory with these same cables also, but the parts book shows a sub to AM54103. The AM54103's were not black plastic coated.

The Liquidator came with AM54103's originally. It appears the only difference between the two is the coating on the cables, as they are the same length with the same cable ends.

I hope this helps.

-Joe Rainville

PS: Kenny Hiens tells me that the updated snowflap hold back bar that kept the flap from getting sucked into the tunnel by cleats and studs might not be compatable with these hold back cables. I will dig into my copies of "Liquidator Racing Tips" to see if I can find anything out about them.

I checked my 78 CC and it deffinately had the cables on it. Although the cables rusted off, the cable ends are still rivited in place.
Last edited by JoeRainville on Sun Sep 28, 2008 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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