WTF is wrong with people??

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WTF is wrong with people??

Post by ralphy »

I hope they catch these douchebags and they spend a lot of time in the crowbar hotel. This is just great for the sport....
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WTF is wrong with people??

Post by elachevr »

I volunteer to run them over with my deere's.
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WTF is wrong with people??

Post by Mr. Deere »

Who keeps the Meat??? Seriously though thats Just stupid. I hope they get caught.
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WTF is wrong with people??

Post by GreenSpeed »

I'll second that... I sure hope someone turns them in. As if it isn't hard enough to get landowner permission for trails. Those idiots will probably be bragging about how tough they are in the bar next weekend. Maybe if we're lucky some of the locals will get to them before the Police!
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WTF is wrong with people??

Post by ralphy »

Thats the part that pisses me off, If they would of took them home, cut em up & ate them ( though still illegal ), it would of been a lot better than letting them lay.
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WTF is wrong with people??

Post by ralphy »

Wait until the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources gets a hold of these zeros', it will bye, bye sleds & ability to operate one. Dont mess with the DNR.....
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WTF is wrong with people??

Post by tmartin »

What really sucks is that this is going to give all snowmobilers a bad reputation. I dont blame the landowner for shutting down the trail there. I would have done the same thing. I sure hope they get caught before it happens again and ruins it for all of us.
1973 John Deere 400-Fall 08-Ongoing project
1980 John Deere Trailfire 340 (RAT)- Spring 09- Daily rider
1982 John Deere Trailfire 340 - Spring 12- Daily rider
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WTF is wrong with people??

Post by Cabindweller »

That is pretty Sad. I sure hope the people responsable get what they deserve.

Old sleds are hours of entertainment.... then you get to ride them for a little bit.
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WTF is wrong with people??

Post by ICCSF 108 »

Watch they will be Juveniles & they won't be able to do s**t to them..
Although the DNR might be able to do more to a Juvenile than the police will?? No kidding all snowmobilers will suffer for this one..

Last edited by ICCSF 108 on Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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WTF is wrong with people??

Post by big danno 1970 »

A$$holes, I saw some kids running over a snapping turtle one time with there car and doing burn outs on its shell, I just happened to have an axe in the back of the truck so to put the poor thing out of its misery.The guys were calling me a wimp and other names so I picked up the dead turtle and threw it in the open window of the car.
The good thing is that when their parents showed up to give me h3ll for "destroying the car"(dads car) I told them the real story and showed them the bits of turtle in the wheel well.The parents appologized to me and said the kids would have to pay for the damages.
Why do peaple think it is fun to torture animals?I think these peaple if caught should be beat with baseball bat and then get thrown in jail with a molesting children charge(even the bad guys dont like that)and that would take care of them.
I am not a tree hugger but I dont like cruelty to animals either,If you kill them to eat them thats one thing but if you just do it for fun well...
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WTF is wrong with people??

Post by S_Kyle »

Drag them behind the sleds and tie them to a tree for a day or so. They disgust me.
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WTF is wrong with people??

Post by ralphy »

Can you all help smooth this over with the public? I live near Madison, and snowmobilers are not too popular around here lately, so if we could all post something positive on the NBC affilitates website, it may open some eyes...
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WTF is wrong with people??

Post by JoeRainville »

What loosers. Juvinile or Juvinile acting adults on sleds give humanity, much as less snowmobilers, a bad name. Remember that old Deere patch: "Respect Wildlife"? Maybe we should get that tatooed on their faces.

I do hope the guilty are found and punished. Like the Ralfy said, WTF is wrong with people?

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WTF is wrong with people??

Post by ChickenRat »

I'm sure it's two or three young guys who were hooched up. We certainly don't need publicity like this. This is the kind of behavior that gets trails closed on public lands for good. The clubs can work for years to keep trails open and expand, but then with the action of a few idiots, we can take ten steps backwards for years to come. Actions like these are the reason the public has a bad image of snowmobiliers.

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WTF is wrong with people??

Post by 69camaro »

This is one of the sickest things I have ever heard of. I just can't believe anyone would do something that stupid and cruel. I really hope they get caught. Obviously they do not belong to a club because if they did they would know wrong for right and realize the trail would be closed, bring unbelievable negativity to snowmobiling, and know how hard it is to keep trails open for much smaller infractions. They just brought the wrath of every tree hugger and animal rights organization right into snowmobiling. These complete fools just openned a door that will not close for a long time. Around here ATVs get in all of the trouble so snowmobilers look pretty good here. I am quite sure this hot topic will fly right up I-94. Not one, but five deer. WTF. :evil: Duane
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