80 LF Fuel Consumption??

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80 LF Fuel Consumption??

Post by EL DIABLO »

Does anyone out there know about how many miles you should get with a full tank of gas in a 1980 LF?? I know this is a weird question, but when I was riding yesturday I approx. got only 50 miles or a little over that to a full tank of gas?? I was not running it too hard mostly around 6500 - 7500 RPM on fairly flat ground. I did not let the tank get too low and fueled up at a little less than half tank (just in case!).

My biggest question would be does the bottom of the tank hold the majority of fuel, as it tapers up slightly towards the top, and maybe the first half tank goes faster then the second half. I know its a 7.5 gallon tank..correct?

As far as saying I had 50 miles to a full tank, I guess I mean 50 miles to (2) top half tanks if that makes sense, because I filled up when it was little less than half tank and it only took a little over 3 gallons...would a gearing change help?? :doh:


Keith :beers;
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Re: 80 LF Fuel Consumption??

Post by Danzig... »

The tank actually fits under the seat a tad bit. Its larger at the bottom. I dont recall your gearing, nothing fancy Keith. Run of the mill in it from the factory. Check your track tightness, chain in the chaincase, skis should be toed out about 1/8 inch at the tips. Toed- in will cause darting and poor fuel economy. Let Eric lead and break the wind in front of you too...

22/39 gears I think.. :doh:
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Re: 80 LF Fuel Consumption??

Post by harleysportster »

The tank gages are not completely accurate. One tip I read was to empty your tank and fill it back up in 1/4 increments(this means measuring it out) and make a new mark on the fuel gage with a permanent marker pen at each increment. Then you will have a better idea of the actual fuel used.
'76 440 cyclone
'76 440 liquifire
'78 440 Cyclone
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Re: 80 LF Fuel Consumption??

Post by EL DIABLO »

Thanks for the tips guys... :beers;

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Re: 80 LF Fuel Consumption??

Post by Sprailfire340 »

According to this article the 83LF was quite efficient on fuel. 100 miles to a tank seems light even for an '80. I think I have specs at home, but am up north through the weekend.
http://www.snowmobile.com/manufacturers ... re-669.htm
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Re: 80 LF Fuel Consumption??

Post by deerefanatic »

Trailriding the other day I averaged about 25 mph and got 10 mpg with my CCW Powered 78 LF.. But it's tired too. (OK, worn out! :) )

I'll check on ski's and stuff... Never thought of that........ Makes sense though.
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Re: 80 LF Fuel Consumption??

Post by T White »

I rode my '82 Liquifire this weekend and put on 45 miles. On the way home I filled up
and it took 5.5 gallons or about 8 MPG. I was hoping for 10. On the bright side it was
the best handling leaf sprung sled I have ever ridden, it corners like it's on rails!
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Re: 80 LF Fuel Consumption??

Post by EL DIABLO »

Well sounds like I am averaging about the same as most of you....thanks for the replies!

Keith :sled:
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Re: 80 LF Fuel Consumption??

Post by cosmo440 »

I have a fuel milage test of snowmobiles from the early 80's, and the liquifire, trailfire, and sportfire are all in there. The trailfire was the best, averaging 26mpg or so. The liquifire was second best, getting 22 I believe. I will try to find the report and post it.
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